The N-Visible Man

PT: Get Involved

Cleo Fields is a former politician from Louisiana.  He was a state representative and senator who I followed, looked up to, and in my dumber days aspired to be like.  I remember a story about him on a fateful day that reminded me of the importance of governmental participation.  An elderly lady from Baton Rouge went into his office one day in need of help for a family member who got into some stuff.  I believe he really wanted to help her but his first question to her was she registered to vote.  She informed him that she wasn’t.  This POLITICIAN said to her that he was sorry he could not help her.  What an A-Hole! Right?

Well, we often complain about what our political leaders aren’t doing but the real issue is what we aren’t doing – registering to vote.  A Voteless People is a Hopeless People!  Our government is our investment.  If you invest into the stock market, will you check your investment, manage your investment and if something goes wrong with the investment, do something about it?  I hope the answer is yes.

Did you know that the financial industry (banks, credit card companies, etc.) have close to 1,500 lobbyist who were former members of Congress, Congressional staffers, and federal employees?  Lobbying is a Constitutional right and we should avail ourselves of such a resource.  How?  Get involved with like-minded people and move into action.

Don’t be invisible be N-Visible and indivisible.

The N-Visible Man

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