The N-Visible Man

ONH: Tiger Woods

“Blame it on the Rain” and “Girl You Know It’s True” conjure images of Rob and Fab, the faux pop duo that was once credited with vocalizing these songs. Milli Vanilli is now synonymous with literally faking the funk. The “scandal” that surrounded the two would make a lesser soul forget that the music – the words and actual vocals – was kind of hot. What is more the apparent reason for leading the masses, like sheep to the slaughter, to believe the European natives were the talent on the project was because the real singers were not as aesthetically pleasing as the public would accept. That trend was neither new nor never to be repeated. The Beijing Olypics’ opening ceremony a preteen lip synced the Chinese national anthem because the actual songbird was not of sufficient beauty to represent the nation.  Maybe that’s the reason not many knew of Susan Boyle prior to her appearance on “Britain’s Got Talent.”  Who decides what is acceptable and why do we as a society accept what is dished out?

My mind immediately wonders to the recent moral outcry from the Tiger Woods media circus.  Since when are we so concerned with the sex lives of another person just because you see them on TV?  I could care less if Tiger or anyone of you for that matter chose to step out on your significant other (S.O.) with Tiger Woods, Mickey Mouse, or a spider monkey for that matter.

I hear you saying that I have offended your sensibilities: “N-Visible Man, you are OBSCENE and that’s what’s wrong with the world, no moral compass.”  You would be wrong, it’s not that I don’t have morals but I should not, could not and do not impose on every person I come in contact with what I believe to be right and wrong.

All too often we sheepishly ascribe to a moral group thought.  One of my favorite thinkers once said “I think, therefore I am” (translation).  My humble interpretation leads me to believe that my very existence is predicated upon my careful thought.  I shall forever evaluate life in regards to my pondering and wondering for myself.  How am I affected by Tiger Woods sex life? I’m not so it has no bearing on my thoughts or emotions.  It literally angers me when a person forges his consciousness upon someone else.

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