The N-Visible Man

June 9, 2010: Re-Invention of Cool

In N-Defensible Musings on June 9, 2010 at 12:10

Every morning when I go to work I dread getting behind someone who thought it was a good idea to have a rollie bag.  It usually ends with them stopping short near the escalator or them slowing down and someone running into the bag.  That got me to thinking:  What inventions that changed the world are starting to piss me off.

Top 10 Inventions that Changed the World for the Better and Now for the Worse

10.  The Clock – If there were no clocks we would be required to come to work during some time frame as opposed to a time certain.  “Yeah get to work before the sun gets to mid-sky.”  Good-bye CP Time.

9.  The Phone – No, I don’t want to go back to smoke signals but how many times have you wondered, “Why doesn’t he call me back?” If there were no phone you wouldn’t have that stress in your life.  How many times have you said, “Unknown caller? That must be a bill collector, I won’t answer?” I’m just saying our stress level would be lower.

8. The Wheel – GOD I HATE ROLLIE BAGS. Get your work out on lazy.

7. Music – I love music but some of this crap is noise.  I’m not even talking about Soulja Boy Tell Em today.  I’m talking about these fools on American Idol, I’m talking about, country music (sans Charlie Pride and Ray Charles), and I’m talking about Soulja Boy.  HA HA HA, I don’t have to turn my swag on when I wake up, it’s automatic and turn that noise off.

6. The Camera – Without cameras there would be no Facebook.  I do like Facebook.  I don’t like getting random friend invites from someone who takes great pics but when you meet them in person, OH GOD, YOU DEVIL.  It’s a joke. 🙂

5.  Eyeglasses – Now, I’m just wrong for this one right? Wrong! If there were no glasses beer goggles would not be a factor and we could drink without fear of meeting the wrong person.  You’re so vain, I bet you think this post is about you, don’t you?

4.  Clothes – For different reasons I wish they had never been invented.  1. We’d be perfect (Another conversation for another day) 2. If clothes weren’t invented then spandex would never be invented and my eyes would not have to shudder when I see more of your business than your doctor sees when you don’t go to get check ups 3. Skinny jeans and sagging jeans would not exist.

3. The Computer – But for the invention of the computer there would be no Droid for iPhone haters to falsely claim is better than the iPhone.  All things would be equal and you wouldn’t have to kill yourself when the iPhone 4 comes out.  Shameless plug but get on my level. 🙂

2. Religion – I’m really not a heathen.  I am really spiritual but the invention of religion has served to oppress the masses and promote warfare in the name of something holy.  Y’all need to stop.

1.  The Number One Invention that Changed the World for the Better and Now the Worse – TELEVISION – Have you ever seen any of the Real Housewives, The Flavor of Love, Bobby and Whitney, Brandy and Ray J, The Kardasians, etc etc etc. un-Reality TV is the bane of my existence.

What do you think of my list?  Check out the conversation at the Nights @ the Round Table Page… HILARIOUS…

The N-Visible Man

  1. I agree with 90% of this. Only thing, I would like to have is the camera, call me vain;) #shrugs

  2. Life without music??? What would I wake up to, walk with, love with, sleep to… The only one I can whole heartedly agree with is the clock: there lies the bane of MY exsistenc. Either way; your blog rocks 🙂

  3. .– I am very thankful to this topic because it really gives up to date information ~’,

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